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Grundy County Board announces vacancy

The Grundy County Republican Party announces that it will hold a political party caucus of the Republican Party precinct committee persons who represent the voting precincts located within the current and newly revised limits of County Board District 1, on Wednesday, Dec. 1st, 2021. The purpose of the caucus is to nominate a successor to fill the office and complete the term of Republican county board member, Ellen Hanson.

Mrs. Hanson has moved out of Grundy County and consequently resigned her position on the Grundy County Board. Her resignation was accepted on Nov. 9th, which created a vacancy in the office of county board District 1. Any person who resides in Grundy County Board District 1, who is a member of the Republican Party and who desires to be considered for the Republican Party’s nomination for the office of county board should respond to the Grundy County Republican Party as directed by this announcement.

The Republican Party’s nominee to fill this vacancy will be presented to the Grundy County Board Chairman for consideration and ultimately voted on by the full county board. If you are a qualified resident of Grundy County District 1 and you are interested in seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for the office of county board, then you should submit your name, address, telephone number, copy of your voter’s registration card and other contact information along with a brief statement of your qualifications to represent county board District 1 the Grundy County Republican Central Committee, P.O. Box 642, Morris, Illinois 60450 or email the requested information to

All applications must be received by Wednesday, Nov. 24th, no later than 5:00 p.m. to be given consideration by the political party caucus. Please contact Republican Party Chairman Aren Hansen at 815-545-9573 if additional information is required.

Attendance at the political party caucus is limited to the Republican Party Precinct Committee persons who represent voting precincts whose boundaries are all or partially within the current or newly drawn limits of Grundy County Board District 1. Qualified potential nominees of the Republican Party who timely present themselves for consideration of nomination for appointment to the office of county board will also be invited to make a presentation to the caucus.

Source: The Daily Chronicle

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