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Letter: No surprise the County Board voted for Neponset industrial invasion

I was at the Oct. 11 Bureau County Board meeting and was one of the presenters who spoke against the industrial wind farm coming to Neponset Township.

It was no surprise the Board voted in favor of this industrial invasion of Neponset Township, despite being presented with a petition of opposition signed by the residents who will be most affected.

Two things from that meeting really struck me. The first is Bureau County is in serious need of new blood and new ideas. Most Board members seemed content to follow the same old path, the path of least resistance and effort.

The second and most disturbing was the statement by Board Member Connie Stetson concerning the U.S. Ecology site near Sheffield. This is the site of a leaking nuclear waste dump, the underground plume of which could have unknown long-lasting effects on the County.

According to Ms. Stetson, all Board Members were invited to an informational Q&A with the agency in charge of monitoring this potential environmental disaster. Only three members thought it worth their time and effort to attend.

The wind turbine company, RWE, has signed up land owners in the vicinity of the nuclear waste dump. The issue at hand is how the underground vibrations produced by wind turbines could impact the leaking dump and the spread of its plume.

This is a serious issue facing the residents of this area. The total lack of concern shown by the majority of the Board for a leaking nuclear waste dump in their backyard is shocking, and goes directly back to my first statement concerning the need for new blood on the Board.

Remember this the next time your District Representative comes up for a vote. The citizens of Bureau County need and deserve leaders who will work for all the residents, not just a select few.

Dori Stachowicz


Source: The Daily Chronicle

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