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Peru police announce Labor Day enforcement campaign results

Peru Police Department made two DUI arrests during the recent Labor Day campaign. In addition, nine seat belt citations were written, four of which occurred during nighttime hours.

Other citations and arrests included four for speeding, four for driving while suspended or no valid driver’s license, 18 other traffic citations including two for adult use of cannabis (driver) in a motor vehicle.

“As law enforcement officers, we do our best to protect motorists, pedestrians and other road users,” said Lt. Doug Bernabei “While enforcement campaigns like these save lives, there is still much to be done. Please help us spread the message: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”

Peru Police joined forces with other law enforcement agencies and highway safety partners throughout the state for the Labor Day traffic safety campaign.

The program was made possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Source: The Daily Chronicle

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