Compiled by Jeff Farren from the files of the Kendall County Record, 1864 – present.
August 2012
Federal officials announced that funding for the Prairie Parkway expressway project is being withdrawn, effectively killing the controversial project.
August 2007
Route 126 will be closed until mid-October between Route 47 and Route 71 in Yorkville while the intersection of 126-71 is being relocated to make the roads meet at more of a 90-degree angle.
August 2002
Citizens Against the Sprawlway, a group opposed to the state’s Prairie Parkway highway proposal, recently called for a new public hearing on the project. The state announced its choice of route, which was modified from the initial proposal. The route enters the county west of Minooka curves to west of Helmar then north just east of Plano.
August 1997
Plano has been singled out as one of the two final sites for a NASCAR racetrack. Motorsports Alliance said a site in Indiana is also being considered.
August 1992
To meet state-imposed requirements for solid waste disposal, Kendall County residents will have to recycle their garbage. The state legislature has mandated that all counties adopt a plan to manage solid waste in the next three years.
August 1987
Developers have changed their mind. Low income housing is out and senior housing is in for property on East Kendall Drive in Countryside Center.
August 1982
Kendall County will officially implement a new address system in unincorporated areas next month. The numbering system starts with 00000 at the southeast corner of the county.
August 1977
Plattville School will remain closed for another year. When the Yorkville School Board voted to close the school in June 1976, They agreed to reassess the situation in one year.
August 1972
A new dress code has been presented to the Yorkville School Board by an advisory committee. It would permit virtually any length hair on boys and allow girls to wear shorts to school.
Three people drowned in separate incidents at the Glen D. Palmer Dam in Yorkville. A 20 year old drowned July 17, and two more Chicagoans drowned six days later.
August 1967
Winifred and Nelen Thompson have announced they are closing the Country Store at White Willow, west and north of Minooka. It had been in existence since 1899.
August 1962
As part of the Fourth of July celebration, the Yorkville National Bank sponsored the launch of some 200 helium balloons. They were complete with a postage paid card to be returned. Winner flew to near Lafayette, Indiana. It was owned by Doris Worby of Yorkville, who received first prize of a $15 savings account.
August 1957
Yorkville streets are being treated with oil, and the method of handling the job is excellent, keeping the tracking in homes and the spray on automobiles bodies to a bare minimum. It is a very good job.
August 1952
The new office building going up on West Hydraulic Avenue will be occupied by Dr. L. A. Wunsch, M. D. and Dentist Stanley Berg.
August 1947
We are horrified by a rumor. The rumor says that our ancient horse watering tank on Van Emmon Street is at last to give way to the snail-like progress of civilization. The tank is outdated, of that there is no doubt. But we hate to see the old landmarks give way.
August 1942
On page one, “BLACKOUT WARNING the U. S. Army has ordered a test black out to be held Aug. 12 from 10 to 10:30 p.m. covering all of northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin and Michigan.” Stay indoors. Do not loiter on the streets.
August 1937
Work is progressing rapidly on the new road to Plainfield (Rt. 126) which is going to hit the little village of Yorkville just south of Harry Hextell’s gas station on Route 47, a mile or so north of Route 71.
August 1932
The second annual Kendall County Tennis Tournament will end Saturday. After two weeks of earnest rivalry the men’s singles championship will be played between Richard Wildermuth and Glen Sanderson.
August 1927
The Yorkville-Bristol bridges are fast nearing completion. The two bridges will be connected on the island and will be filled and completed with the roadway, walks and rails the same, making a continuous driveway. Work on Route 47 is contemplated soon and by a year from now it is thought that Morris and Yorkville will be connected by a cement road.
August 1922
The Community Playground Committee met to plan for the laying out of a community playground on the site where the old grade school burned down some 35 years ago. The land is now being used for a pasture. On the grounds will be two tennis courts, two or three croquet grounds, sand piles and swings. It is thought the entire cost will amount to $150.
August 1917
The sight of an airship about Lisbon Center aroused the people Wednesday night about 10 o’clock. The majority of those who saw the machine saw the searchlight of the airplane and spoke of it to their neighbors. It is probable the machine was on its way from Rantoul to Chicago.
August 1912
At a meeting for the discussion of the building of a sewer in Yorkville Thursday the prospect seemed to meet with general approbation. There was no definite action taken but the sentiment seem to favor the move.
August 1907
The big flat boat built by Ben Edgar and Sam Moreau was launched and slide into the water gracefully, but took our esteemed game warden Joe Stumm in with it, clothes and all. Nothing new for Joe to go into the water but he prefers to walk in.
August 1902
An electric fan has been put in the resident of Joseph Tarbox – the first one to be placed in a private house although there will undoubtedly be more to follow.
August 1887
As the river is drying up we can fill it in and then there will be no river to divide the interests of Yorkville.
August 1882
Josh Dwyre of Lisbon is catching for the U. P. baseball nine in Omaha at $100 per month
August 1877
Last week Sheridan Black of Yorkville was amusing himself by firing off a little cannon, but loading it too heavy the cannon burst, filling one side of his face with powder and nearly ruining one of his eyes.
August 1872
Yorkville and Bristol covered themselves with republican glory last Thursday night and made hearts of all bound with delight as the thought of the handsome vote they would pull for Ulysses S. Grant of Illinois for President and Henry Wilson of Massachusetts for Vice President. In the packed courthouse, a Republican Club was formed.
August 1867
On Monday night Mr. J. A. Godard left the cellar door of his hardware store unlocked and some joker learning the fact entered the store during the night and in a humorous manner disarranged things generally – the wheel barrows were on the counter, the washing machine on the desk and other articles in improper places. Well for Mr. G. that it was an honest man and a neighbor who made the night visit.
Source: The Daily Chronicle
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